First Regional Library eBook Updates
With First Regional Library locations being closed to the public, we are working hard to boost our online collections on Overdrive in order to meet the needs of many patrons who are at home.
In doing so, we have instituted a temporary limit on Overdrive checkouts to two per card holder. We are also limiting the number of items that may be placed on hold.
Any community members without current access to a library card may create an online library card to access Overdrive materials. Go to first.overdrive.com and you should be prompted to create an online digital card using your mobile phone number. If you are not prompted to do so, simply click “Sign In” and then “Get a free one instantly using your mobile number.”
We encourage all our patrons to use Overdrive on your computers or on phones and tablets with the Overdrive app or the Libby app to check out ebooks and audiobooks. We ask that you return items promptly in order to ensure waiting patrons have access.
In order for everyone to have quick access to e-materials that are currently available to check out, we have made lists on the Overdrive homepage for children and teens as well as adult patrons with our many available titles. Now is the time to try something new!
If you have any questions about Overdrive or the mobile apps, please look at their troubleshooting page.